Royal Marines

Royal Marines Talk

All Military Services around the world develop their own choice of words while training their recruits, something that is unique to just them.  A tradition that goes back many years, but still goes on to this day. In fact it could be said that a military minded person could usually work out where they are from just by hearing them speak. The Royal Marines are no different, and what follows is just a small selection of words that may help you next time you're talking to a Royal Marine.
A1 (the best).
ABC (all been changed).
Ace (good excellent).
Aimer (a military driver).
Airy Fairy (member of the Fleet Air Arm).
Andrew (the Royal Navy).
Ankle Biters (children).
Animal Run (a good run ashore).
Bag-Rat (packed lunch).
Bandy or Bandi (a Musician or Bandmaster).
Bang-box (the gun turret on big ships).
Banjo (a sandwich or broken and broken down).
Banyan (a party on a beach or boat).
Barracks (a military camp and the Royal Marines mess deck on board a ship).
Basha (a temporary shelter in the field).
Belay (to cease doing something or cancel what you were told).
Bezzy Best (as in Bezzy Oppo).
Bimble (to wander around casually with mind in neutral).
Bish (Chaplain or Padre).
Bite (to be drawn into an argument, or to fool somebody into doing or believing something stupid).
Bivvy or Bivouac. (A temporary shelter in the field usually made from a personal water proof poncho cape).
Black Maskers (thick black masking tape that is the all in one answer to service DIY).
Blues (Royal Marines ceremonial blue uniform).
Bombed Out (crazy exhausted).
Bonedome Helmet (for climbing or Kevlar).
Bootie (Royal Marine).
Bootneck (Royal Marine derived from the leather uniform stock worn around the neck during Lord Nelson's days).
Boss (respectful but casual way of referring to the officer in command).
Bone (a stupid thing to do).
Brag-Rags (a medal ribbons).
Brammer (outstandingly good).
Brill (brilliant, magnificent).
Bronzy (sun tan).
Bronzy Time (sunbathing).
Brown Job (Army).
Bubbled (to be found out, rumbled).
Bug Out (to conduct a military withdrawal)
Bugles (a Bugle Major, and a collection of musical instruments).
Bunting Tosser (signaller of any rank, a flag wagger).
Buzz (a rumour usually not true).
BZ (Bravo Zulu, well done usually sent on a signal).
Cabin (a room, usually a bed room).
Can Spanner (tin opener).
Canvas Back (someone who is always lying on his back).
Chad valley (describes a piece of equipment that is prone to failure).
Charlie-G (the Carl Gustav 84mm anti-tank weapon).
Chateau Crappers Wine (preferably cheap, always nasty).
Chief Loafer (Chaplain or Padre).
Chins (hard luck).
Chippy (a carpenter).
Chit or Chittie (a piece of paper)
Chit Request (a form).
Chop-Chop (move it quickly).
Chopper (Helicopter).
Chuck One Up (a Salute).
Chuffed (Pleased).
Chunter (to mutter or mumble).
Church Key (a bottle opener).
Civvy (Civilian).
Clear Lower Deck (all ranks called together 100% turnout).
Cloggie (a Dutchman).
Club Swinger (PTI-Physical Training Instructor).
Cockie (Cockroach).
Colonel (Colonel Gaddafi/The NAAFI shop).
Colours / Colour Stripey (Colour Sergeant).
Come Along Side (to make the grade, to agree).
Common Dog (common sense).
Compo (composite rations).
Corps Pissed (to be totally intoxicated by the Royal Marines).
Crab/Crab Air (members of the RAF).
Crabby (Dirty). Crack It (to achieve).
Cracked Up (to lose ones patience).
Crash out (to fall asleep).
Crappers (to be very drunk or go to the toilet).
Cream in (to Collide). Crimbo (Christmas /yuletide).
Damager (NAAFI manager, always a civvy).
Dank (miserable).
Dark and Dirty (Pusser's rum and Coke).
Devil Dodger (Chaplain or Padre).
Dhoby or Dhobi (to have a wash or wash your clothes).
Dhoby Dust (Washing powder).
Dhoby Marks (Rank Badges).
Dhoby Run (a trip to the launderette).
Dhoby Waller (a person who gets pinged to do the Dhoby).
Dig out and Dig out Blind (to make an all out effort).
Dipped and Dipped Out (to miss out on something).
Dip Stick (Idiot).
Dink (to give or receive a blow).
Dit (Story).
Ditch (to throw away).
Doc (a Doctor or any sick bay staff).
Dockyard omelette (Pizza Vomit).
Dockyard tortoise (Cornish pastie or oggie).
Dogs (socks).
Dog Robbers (Jacket and Tie).
Dog watch (a two hour watches, also a derogatory term for short length of service).
Donkey Wallopers (the Cavalry).
Doofer (a bit that goes on something).
Double-bagger (a particularly ugly woman or man).
Down On Your Chin Straps (Exhausted).
Dregs (ugly and unappealing).
Drip (to moan incessantly).
Drip Sesh (where complaints can be aired).
Drives (a driver).
Dropping a sprog (to give birth to a baby).
Drummy (the Drum Major of a band).
Duff (a pudding).
Duffer (Someone who is a Bone).
Duty Beauty (Duty person).
Ear Pounding (to give or receive a verbal warning).
Earwigging (eavesdropping).
Eating Irons (eating utensils).
Egyptian PT (a nap in the afternoon where you get into bed and adopt the position of a Pharaoh).
Endex (the order given to end an exercise or end it early, also used to halt a conversation, lesson or activity).
Eric the red (Rust on a weapon).
Essence (gorgeous woman or man in good physical condition).
Egg Banjo (Bread roll with a fried egg).
Fang Farrier (Dentist).
Fast back (Taxi).
Fat knacker (a not very fit person).
Father (a ship's captain).
Flag (Flapper Signaller).
Flakers (exhausted).
Flannel Waffle (Bull).
Flapping (Panicking or flapping around like a headless chicken).
Foo Foo (Pusser's foot powder).
Galley (the Junior Ranks Dining Hall).
Gannet (one with an insatiable appetite).
Gash (Rubbish).
Gash-hand (One who is left over after the working party has been detailed off).
Gen (the truth, genuine).
GD (general duties).
Gen Dit (genuine story).
Gig (a band engagement).
Gizzit (any item that might be worth having that someone else no longer needs).
Glimp (to peer or peep).
Gobbling Rods (Knife fork and spoon).
Globe & Buster (the Corps Crest also the journal of the Royal Marines the Globe and Laurel magazine).
Glop (to slurp or drink hurriedly).
Glopheard (a habitual drunkard).
God Squad (Chaplain or Padre).
Gongs (Medals).
Gonk (to sleep).
Gonk bag (sleeping bag).
Gonking (Nodding off or snoozing).
Goffers Cold fizzy drinks, a sea wave or a punch).
Go Outside (to leave the Corps).
Gopping (nasty, horrible, unenjoyable).
Grease Pit (Washing up duty).
Green Naive (gullible, not very knowledgeable).
Green Lid (Green Beret).
Green Rub (rotten job/duty, to be seen off).
Grey Funnel Line (Ships of the Royal Navy).
Grippo (someone who latches on to a free run ashore, drink or a meal. Usually in a foreign port).
Gronk (unattractive woman).
Grot (your room in the accommodation).
Grots (Marine bedrooms).
Gucci. (Good, new and/or expensive equipment).
Gulpers (a quantity of drink somewhere between 'Sippers' and 'Sandy Bottoms').
Guz (Plymouth, from the WW1 radio ID letters for the port GUZ).
Hands Off Cocks on Sock. (orders to get out of bed).
Hanging out (mental or physical tiredness, exhausted, suffering badly).
Hang Fire (wait a period of time).
Hanging Out (to have given 100% physically).
Hank or Hank Marvin (Starving).
Harry (used before certain words to increase their magnitude).
Harry (in the toilet 'Harry Crappers').
Heads (Toilets, from the old sailing ships where the toilets were directly beneath the figure head at the front of the boat).
Hoofing (excellent, amazing fantastic, brilliant).
Honkers (Hong Kong).
Honking (very dirty).
Horse Box (the Sergeants Mess on board ship).
Icers (freezing cold).
Ickies (Money).
In Board (to come out on top).
In the Rattle (in serious trouble).
Jack and Jolly Jack (Sailors)
Jack Dusty (Royal Navy supply rating).
Jack Tar (Sailor).
Jack Up (to arrange or organise something).
Jenny (a female sailor, comes from Jenny Wren WRNS).
Jimpy/Jeeps (General purpose machine gun).
Jimmy (the First Lieutenant).
Joe (Royal Marine Commanding officer on board ship).
Kag/Kaggage (unwanted and useless equipment).
KFS (Knife Fork & Spoon).
Kit Muster (a personal kit inspection, also describes vomiting).
Knack All (nothing, nil).
Knacker / Fat Knacker (someone who is unfit or overweight).
Lash up (to treat someone, and also describes a cock-up).
Leg It (to run).
Limers (Lime juice or any none fizzy cordial).
Loafing (Hanging around aimlessly, to leave something out that should be put away).
Lovats (Royal Marines number two uniform).
Loopy Loony Juice (Alcohol).
Magic (Marvellous).
Make and Mend (early finish).
Mankey (Dirty).
Matelot (Sailor).
Mess Deck Dodger (somebody responsible for tidying a mess deck or barrack room).
Micky Duck (a cartoon film).
Minging (Very drunk).
MOA (a batman, an officer's attendant).
MOD (Ministry of Defence).
Mod Plod (ministry of defence police).
Mufti (Civilian clothing).
Muscle Bosun (one who prides himself on the strength of his body).
Neaters (Undiluted Pusser's rum).
Nelson's blood (Rum).
Nine O' Clocker's (Mid evening snack).
Nod or Noddy (a recruit in training).
Nutty (confectionary).
Nutty Fiend (one who has a sweet tooth).
Oggin (the sea or a stretch of water).
Oggie (a pasty).
Old Joe (Captain in charge of the Royal Marine detachment on board a ship).
Old Man (Captain of the ship).
Oppo (Friend, Buddy or Colleagues).
Ooloo (originally the jungle, but now cover thick vegetation).
Outside (Life after leaving the Corps).
Paraffin Pigeon (Helicopter).
Party (Girlfriend).
Pash (Girlfriend / Boyfriend).
Pavement (Pizza Vomit).
Percy or Percy Pongo (a soldier from the Army).
Picturise (to put in the picture, to receive an explanation).
Pig (Officer).
Piglets (Midshipmen).
Pig sty (Officers Mess).
Pinged (to be spotted, to be picked for a particularly dirty job).
Pipe (used on naval ships in place of the bugle, also the tannoy system on board ship).
Piso (careful with money and tight).
Pit (bed, bed space or bunk).
Pitchers (Dark, its pitchers tonight).
Planters (Polo/smart shirt and trousers).
Plums ( to get nothing).
Plums Rating (one who is continually unsuccessful with women).
Pom (Dehydrated mashed potatoes).
Pompey (Portsmouth).
Pongo (where the army goes the pong goes).
Power Nap (a short deep sleep).
Proffed (Goods acquired by dubious methods from the establishment rather than another Marine).
Pussers Rum (the tot).
Pusser's charger/chariot (a service issue pushbike).
Pusser's Hard (issue soap).
Pusser's planks (service issue Skis).
Puzzle Palace (Headquarters building).
Quaffer (Posh sounding officer).
Rabbits (Presents or souvenirs).
Racing Snake (a very fast runner).
Recommend (Formalised approval or praise).
Redders (Very Hot).
Rembranted (to be put in the picture).
Rig (ones dress, get rigged is to get dressed).
Rock Ape (a member of the RAF Regiment).
Rock All (Nil or nothing).
Rodney (Officer).
Roughers (Stormy Weather).
Rubber Dagger (a Royal Marines Reservist).
Rug Rats (Children).
Run (a trip or journey).
Run Ashore (to go out for a few drinks, a night out).
Rupert (Officer).
Sad on (to be unhappy or annoyed).
Sandy bottoms (to drain the whole glass/can or bottle).
Scab Lifter (Medical Assistant).
Scratcher (a bed, bunk or bed space).
Scran (Food or a meal).
Scran Bag (a bag used to clear up a mess deck. Anything lying around is placed in the bag. A scruffy individual who looks like his clothes have never been ironed is said to looks like a scran bag).
Sea Daddy (an experienced Marine or Sailor who looks after a younger recruit to show them the ropes).
Secure (to finish for the day or after a watch).
Show a Leg (an old saying to swing your leg out of a hammock to get up).
Shreddies (Underpants)
Sick Bay (the Medical Centre).
Sick Bay Ranger (Someone who spends a lot of time off sick).
Sigs (a radio operator).
Sin Bosun (Chaplain or Padre).
Sippers (a sip of a drink).
Skin (Immature or inexperienced. lacking facial hair).
Skin Mags (Playboy or simular magazines).
Sky Pilot (Chaplain or Padre).
Slide (Butter or Margarine).
Slug (Sleeping bag).
Smally (Small).
Sneaky Beaky (a member of the SBS or Special Forces, intelligence staff).
Snotty (Historic nickname for a midshipman in the Royal Navy).
Snurgle (to sneak or creep on out of sight).
Sods Opera (a show that is put on by the ships company or unit to entertain themselves).
Soup Jockey (Officers Steward or Ward Room Attendant).
Spin (to tell or explain).
Sprog (child and a new recruit who has just passed out).
Spud Locker (vegetable preparation room).
Stacks (opposite to plums, plenty).
Stand-easy (a tea break taken during the morning and the afternoon).
Stick (Abuse).
Sticks or Sticky Blue (Royal Marines bugler).
Stickies (cakes).
Stripey (Sergeant).
Sweating Neaters (to be worried).
SB (special boat service).
Scran (food).
Scanning (eating. All you ever do is sit there scanning).
Secure (to finish, to tidy away after a job).
Sweating Neaters (to be worried).
The Corps (the Royal Marines).
Three Badger (a Marine with three good conduct stripes above his left wrist).
Threaders (to be seriously upset, angry, fed up).
Tubbin (Thumb up bum, brain in neutral).
Thin out (depart).
Trap (to successfully attract a member of the opposite sex).
Trough (eat).
Troop bible (a book containing all the relevant details of the individuals in his unit).
Turn To (to parade or begin work).
Twos Up (to take a turn at or with something).
Uckers (a game loosely based on ludo).
Up Home (to be invited home).
Up The Line (to move away from base).
Vittled Up (subjected to heavy and accurate fire).
Wagon (a lorry).
Wardroom (Officers mess on board ship or in a naval establishment).
Watch (Sentry duty).
Waz or Wazzer (Fantastic).
Weather Guesser (the met officer on board ship, also known as Professor Fog).
Wellie (to punch).
Wet (a drink of any description).
Wings or Winger (a close friend, an Oppo).
Wooly Pully (the green issue woollen jumper).
Work Your Ticket (to arrange to leave the service).
Yaffle (to eat hurriedly).
Yaffling (irons/spanners knife, fork and spoon).
Yeti (a spectacular crash while skiing or to fall over).
Yodel in a bucket (Vomit also Pavement pizza, dockyard omelette and technicolour yawn).
Yomp (to force march with a heavy load).
Yonks (a long time).
Yoyo (a young officer in training).
Zap or Zapped (to shoot or be shot).
Zeds or ZZ's (to get some sleep).

Zulu (Greenwich Meantime.)